Don’t stop her please…. 

They wanna stop her..

They don’t wanna see her dream and go beyond their stream…

They taught her to have a limit on a thing called thinking..

The told her not to believe in the dreams that she is dreaming…

They told her thousands of reasons why it can’t be done and at the end she would be married to a middle class man’s son…

They decided how much she needed to talk, what length of clothes she wore, to whom she met, how late she slept…

The questions that were unanswered and ignored remained in her heart forever… And that one day was the day she gave up on asking questions forever…

If she argued, she was taught to shut up and wait for the right moment…and that one day she gave up on asking her rights,  she always knew she would never win this fight…

That little passionate girl, full of joy and life was now burried in her heart deep inside.. 

That was the day when another Einstein died because she thought a girl could never be Einstein…

But a day she grew up and looking at the mirror she realised, all that she was today was just a joke…

She was like millions of others moving in a herd of sheep, not knowing where it leads..

But hey,  my friend this wasn’t the end..

She wasn’t ready to bend…

That lil girl burried inside her heart took birth again, she realised what was the value of her name….

She gained all the passion and the curosity back and now had all the success on her name…

Today she had all the happiness, wealth and fame…

They thought of catching the sunlight in their palms…

They tried to stop the wind from blowing…

They tried to kill her and make her another dead alive girl, who would listen to them, did all the work, and would quietly marry anyone…

God and stars were on her side and the sun & moon helped her fight…. 

This was just  another girl whom they tried to stop..  But she didn’t…

So please answer that little girl all the stupid questions, please I know it takes time but please help her with the lessons, 

All she demands is a lil more respect and love… Just give it to her she will fill your life with beautiful colours… 

don’t ever say her that she can’t because she believes you,

Can you do me a favour? Please don’t stop her!

Don’t tell her what to wear ,what not to think and what to dream…

Let her fly, set her free let her touch the sky,let her fall and try but again she will stand high…

Please do me a favour don’t let her cry, 

please support her and stand by because with millions of people to stop her she can’t stand by……

Please do me a favour don’t stop her! 

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